Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Been a While.

Sorry to anybody who follows my blog. I have been crazy busy of late. You may not know but I am in a Public Relations post diploma program at Mohawk College. It's been going great but the course load just took a turn for the INSANE. I'm also doing my internship right now as well as work. So I'm busy. Busy, busy, busy. But I'm feeling good.

Recently I started looking for jobs in the PR field and sadly I am finding that many of them are not in Hamilton. I've been thinking about it for a while now. Am I going to have to flee the coop to find work? Will I no longer be nailed to the hammer? The thought is terrifying and exhilarating to me.

I've lived here my entire life and although we have had our ups and downs it's always been home. It's always the center. I always come back. Working in another city could potentially prevent me from coming back. I couldn't live here. It's scary. I talk a lot of smack about how I would love to leave, go live in some other country but it never gets past the talking stage. Now I've actually applied for jobs in another city...it's only an hour away and it freaks me out.

Why can't there just be more jobs in Hamilton? If there were more opportunities people wouldn't leave and it would be better for the city. No? It doesn't make sense.

Anyways in the next few months I guess everything will come more into focus.