Saturday, 29 September 2012

Dinner Is Served

I have mentioned time and time again how Hamilton is blessed with a ton of talented musicians. It's actually kind of ridiculous. I'd like to take the time right now to talk about The Dinner Belles. You've heard me talk about them before. I swear I'm not a stalker or anything like that but since seeing them for the first time back in June at The Burlington Sound Of Music Festival I have not been able to get enough!

The Dinner Belles <3
 Here is a little bit of background about The Dinner Belles, many of whom come from other prominent Hamilton bands to form this new folksy awesomeness. Although they are a definite ensemble Brad Germain seems to be the leading man. You may remember him from other bands such as Spirits and The Marble Index. I was actually a pretty big fan of The Marble Index when they were around as well. I was sad that they went on hiatus in 2010 but if The Dinner Belles is what came out of that separation well then I'm all for it. Click here for a blast from the past, The Marble Index.

The other lead is the lovely and beyond talented Terra Lightfoot. I seriously have the biggest girl crush on this woman. She occasionally rocks it out solo and although I love her in The Dinner Belles it is really nice to see her fronting the band. She gives me goosebumps. She has a new self-titled album out on Sonic Onyon Records. You can pick it up on their website OR you can buy the digital album on Itunes. Here! So you should definitely pick that up and in the meantime enjoy a little of her vocal stylings right here!

Brandon Bliss is another member you may recognize from another band. He is also a part of the super successful Hammer band, Monster Truck. The Dinner Belles is quite a departure from that sound. Click here for a little Monster Truck. Rounding out the cast are Melanie Pothier, Scott Bell, Greg Brisco and Jonathon Ely Cass.

I still think it's funny that I am in love with this band. It is so far from what I'm normally into. I don't usually love that country/folk sound but they do it so well and they have such a passion for it that it's hard to not have a passion for them. 

To my absolute delight The Dinner Belles played at a stag and doe I went to last night! Hamilton's golden (headed...he's bald...see what I did there?) boy Jamie "Gunner" Smith is taking the plunge. He is marrying a lovely lady named Lori and I am very happy for them! I'm also very happy that they have awesome taste in music and obviously great connections to get some awesome bands to play at their stag and doe.

Stag Gunner...bahahaha!
So here are a few pics from what I'm sure was the Stag and Doe to beat all Stag and Does.

Is that a pearl necklace? Kind of fancy for a cake ;p

The Dinner Belles!

The Dinner Belles

Terra Lightfoot crooning. Me=Swooning

 Cheryl Stornelli, Gunner and meeee!!
So congrats to Jamie and Lori, it was a great night! AND....GO SEE THE DINNER BELLES!!!!

Friday, 21 September 2012

It's A Bird, It's A Plane. No! It's Supercrawl!

How should I start this weeks blog? I think there is one word that will do it. SUPERCRAWL! Yes friends, it happened. It came, it was awesome, and it left us with hopes and dreams for next year.

Hamilton has somehow become this mecca for the arts and it's definitely strange since we are known for being a steel city, not really for being artsy fartsy. I think we are starting to make a real name for ourselves in that area as well though. Over 50,000 folks came out for a weekend full of music, art, food and friends. A huge increase since the first Supercrawl held four years ago.

There is definitely a hunger from the youngsters in the Hammer to showcase their creativity and James St N. Art Crawl and Supercrawl is an amazing way to get their art out there as well as an opportunity to network and to really just embrace the community. I love the idea of 50,000 people all coming together for the same reason and it's great to see people really grabbing hold of some hometown pride. I saw a multitude of Hamilton love ranging from T-shirts to tattoos with Hamilton logos. It was...super!

Hamilton is blessed with some insane musical talent and there was definitely no limit of that at Supercrawl. There were lots of great Hamilton acts like Terra Lightfoot (Terra's Site! GO!) who is just incredible, as well as Wax Mannequin who is always an interesting act to watch. There were also lots of out of towners who came to entertain the masses. Great Lake Swimmers, Said the Whale and K'Naan were just a few and people were NOT disappointed. Click to see an awesome Great Lake Swimmers music video! Do it!

Not only was there great musical acts but there was an insane acrobatic fire show put on by the Fire Jammers. It was crazy. For crazy pyro here!

The fact that this is all free is just mind blowing. Of course I bought a supercrawl button and apparently proceeds from that go to fund next years event so I really hope everybody bought buttons or donated so that we can continue to have this amazing gathering for lots of years to come!

I'm sad that it's over. It was such a great weekend. I want to do it all over again...and again, and again.

Here's a few pics from the crawl! Oh and go check out this story CBC Hamilton did on Supercrawl. I'm only directing you here because they used one of my tweets/pics in the storify section of the story and I was kind of intrigued by it. CBC Supercrawl Story.

My friend Kristen enjoying some delicious Sweet Ice at Supercrawl 2012.

Terra Lightfoot being awesome as usual at Supercrawl 2012.

One of the more disturbing pieces I saw at Supercrawl. That face is made of baby chicks. Straaaange.

Did you know that Mexican Coca-Cola is different from ours? Neither did I until we ate at Mex-I-Can during Supercrawl.

Fire Acrobats at Supercrawl 2012! Whaaat!!

Great Lake Swimmers. Super awesome Canadian music at Supercrawl 2012.
If you missed it this year and are really jealous don't worry...there's only another 360-ish days left until Supercrawl 2013!

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Stop, Shop On Locke

Hello Hamiltonian's and Hamilton lovers. I must apologize for my absence. Between work and my internship I have not had a lot of time to sit down and tend to my own blog. Bad me. Bad. That isn't to say that Hamilton hasn't had anything going on...ohhhh no. Hamilton has been a buzz with exciting social events and I have been to quite a few of them. I just didn't write about them because I'm a slacker. I won't lie. I could have found a moment here or there I just didn't. Anyways although summer is sadly coming to an end I am happy to announce that with the end of summer begins the season of fall fairs, festivals and of course my favourite of all celebrations...Halloween!

Today was the first fall festival of the season for me. The Hamilton Locke Street Festival. It started out a bit shakey this morning with the weather being rainy and gusty but it cleared up enough to venture out and I am glad that I did. It is one of my favourite festivals. Lots of great artists and creative Hamilton peeps out and about. That area is one of my favourites in the hammer so I am always happy to go hang out in that atmosphere!

Verrrry busy on Locke Street today!!
 Although all of the vendors are AMAZING!! Truly, seriously so talented. I must call out a few that really caught my eye this time around.
I got some great deals and am now really anticipating next weeks SUPERCRAWL!! Oh yes friends, it is here at last! 

Here are some of the awesome things you could have found at the Locke Street Festival!

Mason Jar Lantern from Sweet Primrose (I bought this!)

Mason Jar Sippy Cup & Adorable Headband I bought for my niece also from Sweet Primrose

Really Cute Designs By Erin Webster Jewelery. Super Talented!

Amazing Ankle/Foot Bracelet from Adelaide Arts. I did not buy this but how cute is it!?!?
 There are tons of talented folks in Hamtown so make sure you go out to all the festivals and support our local artists and vendors. If you aren't into shopping and perusing the stalls there was also a huge day of music put on by the Westtown Bar. Tomi Swick as well as The Dinner Belles and lots and lots more were on the bill.

I will see you at Supercrawl!! Great Lake Swimmers, Terra Lightfoot, Said The Whale, K'Naan and so many more will be there too!! Don't miss it!