Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Apocalypse How?

 You may have heard the rumour that it's the end of the world as we know it. Yes. That's right. The world is going to end on Friday. THIS FRIDAY!! December 21st, 2012!!

Some Mayan's may have predicted this thousands of years ago and sure the weather has been pretty strange lately...but does this all point to the destruction of the world? Well, not exactly, but if you pair that with the evidence laid out below we have some pretty convincing proof that humanity itself can not continue and so should probably just end.

Here are the top 10 REAL reasons the world is going to end:

10. Somebody named their newborn daughter...Hashtag. This kid needs the world to end before she gets to middle school. Thanks mom and dad. For her sake I hope they're right about Doomsday.

9. Somebody decided that Nikki Minaj should be on primetime family television. Really American Idol? Really? Just end it all now so I never have to be subjected to this insanity.

8. Nuff said. 


7. Most of the world has contracted a deadly and terrifying disease...Bieber Fever.

6. Grumpy cat wishes it. What grumpy cat wants. Grumpy cat gets. 

5. This guy says it will happen. He is clearly the leading expert and we should all take him very seriously.

4. Chris Hemsworth. Yes, he's to blame as well. You can't be THAT good looking without breaking some kind of natural order and throwing the whole world off balance. If you show up shirtless (or even with a shirt) to my home I may consider forgiving you, just get here before Friday.

Just let that soak in for a minute. Droooool.

3. They let Lindsay Lohan be in another movie. KA-BOOM!!

2. A Korean song that most  people don't understand is dominating the music scene. I think he may be singing about places to hide from the apocalypse. Too bad only people who speak Korean will know the secret.

Maybe hiding in an elevator will be the safest place. So many hidden meanings.

1. There will never be another Harry Potter book or movie. I wonder if J.K. Rowling knew that ending the series really meant ending THE WORLD?!?!?! 

So there you have it folks, the REAL reasons the world is going to end on Friday. It makes much more sense this way. Mayan calendar shmalendar. Of course there will be nay-sayers out there. I would probably fall into that category because to be honest...

(Kindly disregard in case of actual apocalypse)

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Insert Rebecca Black Song Here

Every now and then a Friday comes along that is so special that you want to relive it over and over again. One of those such days happened this past Friday. It was great and it just showed what kind of shenanigans you really can get into in Hamilton on any given night if you're open to it. Just roll with the random.

The evening began with an early birthday present from my bff Laura. (My real birthday is Christmas day) She took me to see The Trews acoustic show at Hamilton Place Studio. As always they put on an incredible show. They are one of my favourite bands and it's always great when they play in my hometown.

The Trews!

 During this tour they had been playing their second set by requests via twitter. It was pretty awesome. I had been requesting Gun Control because it's one of my favourite songs, and then the unthinkable happened. A man walked into an elementary school in Connecticut, NY and shot and killed 30 people, including many innocent children. It was a tragedy that touched the world.

After that I really didn't feel in a celebratory mood but we still went. Instead of waiting for the request portion of the show they played Gun Control the second song. You could tell the air was heavy in the studio until they played that song.  Here's what they tweeted about the shooting.

The Trews
The Trews-Gun Control 5 yrs has passed since the event that inspired this song and nothing has changed.heartbreaking. youtu.be/f25XY5jes2Y

43 King William Street, this is a great place to escape the Hess crowds. They have antique couches, candles, gothic style knick knacks and very personable staff. They have trivia nights, open mic nights, DJ nights and great live bands. 

This past Friday was their one year anniversary celebration and art crawl after party. Toronto band, The Greasemarks were playing and they really brought some amazing rockabilly awesomeness to Hamilton. I had seen them before when I was volunteering at Kitestring's Christmas Spectacular last year and I was very happy to see them again. So happy in fact that I somehow ended up on stage with them. I was upset for like 3.2 seconds that my friends pushed me up there but I got over it pretty quickly after they started playing.

 So there you have it. If I had just gone home after the concert I wouldn't have seen another wonderful band. So when you feel the urge to go home, just keep going. Roll with the random and maybe you too will find happiness in the Hammer. 

Laura, Me and Leanne enjoying some great music together.

  I laughed so hard, I smiled so much and my heart felt lighter after the heavy news of the day.