Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Laser Tag Is My Only Option? Really?!!?

Hamilton is a big city. Sometimes it is frustrating how for such a big city it has so little to offer. Not all the time. Mostly there's lots to do on any given day in Hamtown, but then I hear about something so amazing in another city that I get angry that we don't have it too!

Take for example my birthday party! There's not a lot of non-alcoholic adult party options around. I decided to make my friends go play laser tag and then go for sushi. It's going to be a lot of fun friend just told me about this place in St. Catharines that would rocket laser tag out of the running!!

Look at this place! AMAZING! Not only a party but you get a piece of art as well!! I'm so mad that I can't have my party there! We need more awesome places like this in Hamilton!

I guess for now I'll just have to murder everybody at laser tag!!

 I win! I win! You all LOSSSSEE!!!

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