Thursday, 28 March 2013

Hamilton's Drag Race

I've never really been aware of the entertainment that Hamilton has to offer the LGBT community. I have many friends who are a part of that community, but being straight I guess I just never had the inclination to look into it.

That all changed on Thursday night. I didn't change. I'm still straight, but I was introduced to some awesome Hamilton LGBT fun! I went to embassy for the very first time!! Embassy is one of the gay clubs in Hamilton. I didn't even know that there was another one but apparently The Werx is a good place as well. I mean it can't be has a leather bar in the basement. Awesome!

My friends David, Ian and I at our first drag show! Exciting! (Ugh not a good hair night :P)

I think the idea that you can go somewhere and not worry that people are judging you or criticizing you is very liberating. Even though I'm straight I felt completely comfortable there and wasn't afraid to be myself (not that I'm usually afraid to be myself...not at all. BUT there have been instances at certain "clubs" where I felt too fat, not fashionable enough or too old to fit in). Of course in a perfect world everybody would feel comfortable everywhere and not be judged. Sadly that is not the world we live in so it is nice to have somewhere people can be themselves and not worry about being hassled.

To my absolute delight Thursday night was drag night at Embassy.  It was very entertaining. The ladies would get up on stage in their beautiful outfits and do a dance or lipsync (for your life). Some real talent was seen. Some of the drag queens made me feel super unfeminine because they were just so lovely. Not only that but there were also drag kings in the mix and that was nice to see them being included as well. There was one imparticular (I'm sorry I can't remember his name) who was an insaaaane dancer. He was all over the place. Chris Brown eat your heart out.

Smooth Moves

After the show (which was raising money for charity) there was dancing and it was it was a fun night all around. Seriously it really made me realize how few "comfortable" places or acknowledgment the LGBT community really has in Hamilton. I mean two bars in the entire city. What if you aren't into the club scene?

There are some things that go on during "Pride Season", including a Pride Festival and even a Pride Service at the First Unitarian Church of Hamilton. But is that enough? Why aren't there events all year? I guess it's a good start, I just didn't realize how little was going on in this area.

I would definitely go back to Embassy, and I'd like to go to The Werx as well. The atmosphere at Embassy was just fun and happy. Check out the Hamilton Pride website for more information on pride events in Hamilton.

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