Monday, 11 June 2012

Healthy Hamilton

Just recently I have decided to try and change some of my less healthy habits. Maybe because it's pretty much swimsuit season or maybe because I'm just tired of being lazy and having no energy. Either way I have been trying to exercise more lately and eat better. Maybe writing about it will motivate me even more. I've always had that nasty weight issue but I'm no longer striving for the unrealistic. I just want to be a bit healthier. Nothing crazy. I thought it would be nice to put my top 5 favourite places for a workout. I love going for walks or jogs or something in between and Hamilton has lots of space to stroll around. Okay laces tied and tacky sweatband in place. GO!

#5. Mountain Stairs
Chedoke Stairs, Dundurn Stairs, James Stairs, Wentworth Stairs and Kenilworth Stairs. There are many different ones to choose from. They're all hell and I hate them all but I'm sure my heart will thank me. Also my wallet because it is free to go run the stairs.

Oh Sweet Mother.

#4. The Royal Botanical Gardens
This is somewhere I almost never get to go but it is beautiful if you are able to get out to it. Definitely makes going for a walk a real adventure for the senses what with all the colours and smells going on. Lovely.

Pretty pathways

#3. The Hermitage
Old ruins, wonderful forest trails and creepy ghost stories!? Count me in.

They even have Ghost Walks here. I want to go!

#2. Waterfalls, waterfalls...did I mention waterfalls?
Hamilton is known as the waterfall capital of the world. Basically we have around 120 waterfalls hidden throughout our city. Hrrmph and you thought we only had steel here. From Albion to Tews Falls. Almost all of them are in forests and include lovely nature hikes to get to them.

Beautiful Albion Falls

#1. Sam Lawrence Park aka. The Brow
I've talked about how my favourite tree is located here in a previous blog and that may have something to do with my love of the brow but definitely not all. I have always loved going for walks there. I can remember going there even as a little child. Lovely gardens and views of Hamilton.

One of the paths found at the brow.

1 comment:

  1. I love Hamilton for all of its beauty, but the people there kill it for me.... Loved the pictures and the read keep it up!!!
