Monday, 25 June 2012

Secret Show

Today was one of those rare days when things happen that you would never have expected to happen in Hamilton on a Monday afternoon. I woke up to several messages about a secret show that was taking place in downtown Hamilton around noon and I'm not going to lie I got rather excited. I love when randomness occurs.

The show was held as a lead up to Supercrawl which takes place in September. Supercrawl is just an insane two days of incredible music and art and just overall festival happiness. Last year Broken Social Scene played at Supercrawl so there has definitely been some anticipation for this years play list announcement, which was also announced at the secret show today.

Terra Lighfoot played as well as Said the Whale. It was great. I am in love with Terra's voice. She is also in The Dinner Belles who I raved about in my last post. She's pretty awesome.

Terra Lightfoot- Check her out on facebook  at

Said the Whale is a band out of Vancouver who are starting to get some really big recognition. They will both be playing at Supercrawl in September. I'm very happy about that.

Said the Whale- Look for them at

There is a great line up for this years show which is taking place September 14th and 15th. Here's just a short list of performers:
  • Born Ruffians
  • Elk
  • Great Lake Swimmers (YAY)
  • Hollerado
  • Wax Mannequin
  • White Horse
  • Young Rival
  • Zeus 
  • and K'naan
Sounds like it's going to be a crazy weekend in the Hammer and I can not wait for it.

I loved how even with such short notice today there was a pretty good turnout for this show. It's great to see people come together and it definitely was a great way to start the week.

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