Monday, 2 July 2012

Happy Birthday Canada

Happy Canada Day to all you Canucks out there! I hope you all celebrated your long weekend with style! Hammertown had almost too much to offer this weekend and I'm not going to lie I had a hard time deciding what to do.

My weekend started off with a celebration because I had an interview in Toronto to do PR for a fashion boutique. I was offered and accepted the position. It was very welcome and exciting news for me. When I got home I really wanted to celebrate. My friend and I went to the It's Your Festival that was going on at Gage Park. The Dinner Belles were playing (I swear I'm not stalking them) as well as many other great local and Canadian bands including David Wilcox.


Not my favourite Hamilton festival but still worth checking out.
Not only was there some great music happening down there but I FINALLY got to try Gorilla Cheese. Gorilla Cheese is one of the many food trucks in Hamilton to become popular in the past couple of years. Food trucks are a major craze right now and I can see/taste why. I ordered the lumberjack grilled cheese. It had cheese, bacon, granny apple and maple syrup on it and it was delicious. I thought paying $8 for a grilled cheese was a little extreme but they aren't lying when they say it is gourmet grilled cheese and I can say it was worth every penny.

Goal: Try them ALL!
After the festival I went to the movies and saw Magic Mike. Yes, it was magical. I don't need to go into details. The picture says it all.

 On Sunday I had friends over for a BBQ and we had a lovely day. After we ate we decided to go watch fireworks at the mountain brow. Fireworks were being offered in many parts of the city. Down by the bay, Dundas, Valley Park... tons of places had them but we really didn't want to deal with the crowds so we went to the brow. There were a lot of people there as well but it wasn't too difficult to find a spot. We picked the best viewing point that we could find and it was great because it was such a beautiful, clear night that we could see the firework shows that were being set off in different parts of the city and even in other cities from where we were. When the finale was over people were setting off their own fireworks at the brow so we stayed and watched those as well. It was perfect.

Today my friends and I were supposed to go check out Hamilton's Rib Fest but to be honest I think we all spent just a bit too much time in the sun yesterday and we were all pretty exhausted. That's okay because I know that Hamilton has lots to offer pretty much every weekend this summer and I look forward to attending most of those events.

All in all I had a wonderful Canada Day long weekend spent with great friends and family. I hope you did too!!

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