Friday, 31 May 2013

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Summer...Festival Season

Okay Hamstown this is an exciting weekend!! Don't miss things. I know, I know it's forecasting rain but come on, we're Canadian. Get out there and do stuff.

#1. The Battle of Stoney Creek
This is the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Stoney Creek which makes it extra special. Takes place Saturday and Sunday with Battle Re-enactments June 1 at 3:30pm & 8:30pm and Sunday, June 2 at 2pm. History in your backyard. Go.

#2. The Blues & Roots Festival
The first time a festival like this has taken place in Hamilton. Running in Westdale Village on Saturday June 1st, from 10 am to 11 pm. Guys....Terra Lightfoot is performing so you better get out there and see her FOR FREE before she blows up and charges $70 for a ticket.

#3. Concession Streetfest
Saturday June 1st. Lots of vendors and other neat things. Also I heard tale that there is a bubble blowing competition or something like that taking place as well. If you're not into bubbles there is also a petting zoo.

#4. Brews N Bands
How did I not know about this one. I hope I can go. This is the Casbah's 2nd annual Brews N Bands event. Some talent performing includes: The Sadies, The Wooden Sky, The Dinner Belles (ahhh), Dan Griffin & The Regrets and many more. $25 per session gets you 10 3oz samples and/or food vouchers. Tickets available at Casbah, DrDisc (905 523-1010), Naroma Pizza Bar (905 525-6699) & on-line at

Personally I can't decide what I want to do most. Maybe all of it. I do hope that you go check out at least one event in the Hammer this weekend. Get out your wellies and go to town. Have Fun!!!

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