Friday, 3 May 2013


The masses came, saw and waited in extremely long lines at Hamilton's Sew Hungry. A food truck rally that has become an annual delight in Hammer Town. The event takes place on Ottawa Street, which is known for it's tailors, seamstresses, and all things to do with sewing...hence Sew Hungry being the name. The Ottawa Street BIA is all to blame for this gastro-riffic day. Thank you.

There are over 40 food trucks as well as local restaurants to choose from. I saw so many interesting choices and I wish I could have tried them all. Unfortunately I only have one stomach and not enough dolla, dolla bills to make that wish a reality. Some of the most interesting ones I saw were  Texas Tornado, The Big Chief Fresh Food Company (Native American food), Mike's Dog House, El Gastronomo Vagabundo and Gringo Gourmet. Hamilton's old faithfuls were out as well including Gorilla Cheese and Southern Smoke Truck.

 My friend Kristen works on the Food Man and Culture Boy truck. She told me that she is obsessed with the duck tacos so I decided to try that while my friend Jolene had a Portobello Burger at another truck. I am glad that she talked me into that little delicacy. The duck taco had duck confit, mango, fennel, green onion, hoisin and siracha. WOW! What a totally interesting mixture of flavours. It tasted like summer. The weather felt like summer too so that worked out well (minus the sunburn I acquired).

Kristen hanging out/workin hard on the Food Man and Culture Boy truck.

Delicious Duck Tacos.

Me likey.
There is a lot more than just food trucks to go check out. There are lots of unique little shops and vendors on Ottawa and what would a food truck rally be without the host of the food network's, Eat Street, James Cunningham. He is hanging out down there and doing a book signing for his new book, Eat St.

If you're reading this and it is still May 3rd, 2013 you are in luck. You have not missed out on this event just yet. It runs from 4-8pm tonight so now you know where you're going for dinner. You're welcome. Enjoy.

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