Saturday, 9 November 2013

All Apologies

Alright, alright I realize I've been a slackity slacker. I know it's unacceptable. But to be fair I've been kind of busy. Like a lot busy. Let me explain. Here are the top 7 reasons I have sucked as a blogger of late:

1. I got a new job. Actually not a new-new job but a promotion at my old-old job. So I'm now assistant production manager. It's nice. I mean I haven't given up on my PR dreams or anything but it's nice to be able to breathe for a bit and also...get paid for my work. Thanks for nothing internships :P

2. I moved. That's right. I no longer live with my mommy. (Okay truth be told I love my mom more than anything and loved living with her. I had a great time at home, but it was time to go.)

3. I went on vacation. The day after I moved in to my new place my friends and I went on a roadtrip across this great nation of ours all the way to visit another friend in Prince Edward Island. (Thanks Herman!)

We also did ALL things Anne of Green Gables because...I'm obsessed. Seriously. Why do you think I dyed my hair red? Jk, jk...ahem.

Road trippers at Dalvay Beach in PEI.

Mecca. I mean Green Gables. <3

4. I bought a car...that since moving out on my own I will no longer be able to afford so I now have to sell. Also I failed my driver's test. Yep...go me. (Currently practicing my patootie off so I can actually not be a hazard on the roads. Thanks dad! You have the patience of a saint.)

5. I was kinda seeing someone, only not, only kinda, only not again.  Onwards to better people in my life. Come on can't only have these wishy, washy dudes kicking around. (fingers & toes crossed)

Whoa...that's graphic...and extreme.

6. I was in a wedding. One of my oldest and bestest friends married the man of her dreamz. Candace and Andrew tied the knot on September 21st, 2013 and it was a lovely day.

PS. One of my other friends Amanda recently became engaged and has asked me to be in her wedding as well. So much love happening around me! ( many times a bridesmaid, never a bride? CRAP!)

The beautiful bride and her ladies. Thanks for asking me to be part of your day! <3

7. It was summer and then fall and like...I have a life :P

Anyways to my loyal (and few) readers I thank you so much for understanding. I know you know life can just make a better door than a window sometimes.

So what happens now? I suppose I will start being a better blogger. Hamilton has lots going on that I can focus on. I mean...I know we're no Toronto and our Mayor hasn't brought us world wide headlines but we're still pretty awesome. Actually maybe more awesome since our Mayor  is presumably NOT a crackhead.

Nuff said.

Hamstown in finter (that weird time between fall and winter)(TM) is very pretty and you can feel the excitement all around as the population prepares for Christmas and other winter celebrations. Something has happened to me guys...I think I have somehow found a bit of Christmas spirit this year.

It is November 9th and I have already had my apartment decorated for the season for over a week. Who am I? I am supposed to be all Grinchly. I blame the kids. Those sweet, loving, adorable children in my life who make me feel all warm and gross with this yuletide glow. Yuck.

 Look at these faces. They make me believe in Santa...well you get what I mean.

Not to worry I'm sure it will wear off soon. A person can only take so many malls playing Christmas music before they snap. Snapity, snaps a lot.

I feel like I've gotten off track somewhere. All I was trying to say is that there's stuff coming up in the city that I'll most likely attend and write about. So look for it. Stay tuned. Check back. Same Tamara time, same Tamara channel. (Okay that didn't really work but I'm gonna leave it because I love batman.)

Hope you're out there enjoying all that Hamilton has to offer on this lovely, crisp finter(TM) day.

Finter. Is it fall? Is it winter? What do I wear? I'm so confused.

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Big Sips And Tall Ships

I think I have finally relaxed after my crazy weekend. Not only was it Canada Day weekend but it was also the weekend that Hamilton's pier 8 was taken over by some of the tallest ships in the world, and I got to be a part of it all!

Okay, truth... I wasn't so much "a part of it" as I was selling tickets for it, but still you get the picture. It was a great event and something completely different. There were 5 ships from all over the place, including the biggest one, Sorlandet, which hailed from Norway. It is the oldest full rigged ship still in operation...IN THE WORLD!

Liana's Ransom sailing out for a cruise.

The event was long, hot and so very busy. Who knew that so many Hamiltonians were shippers. Although thanks to the heat I did have to deal with some fairly miserable people but I wouldn't have traded the weather considering it was supposed to rain the entire weekend. Thank goodness that didn't happen and for the most part people seemed to be loving the ship out of this event! (See what I did there?) Unfortunately the opening night musical entertainment was cancelled due to the forecast but the rest of the weekend was beautiful. Almost as beautiful as the ships themselves.

Some of my work friends.

I was privileged enough to work right in front of the tall beauties. Not a bad view if I do say so myself. I only wish I had been able to go on one of the deck tours that I was selling tickets for. Unfortunately I was selling tickets before they opened and until they closed so that didn't happen. I'll make sure I do if they ever come back. I would love to step foot on a piece of history like that. It's a little bit sad when you think that ships like this used to be the norm on the waterways and now there are so few that huge events are held just to see them.

This was taken from my work station. Not too shabby eh.

The tall ships were here as part of Hamilton's 1812 Bicentennial celebrations and I think it's safe to say that this is an event that should become annual.

(A great little video posted on YouTube by pier8group)

After the insane whirlwind that was working at the tall ship event I was so exhausted that even forming sentences seemed difficult but I am a solid patriot and so of course on holiday Monday I had my friends and family over for a delightful Canada Day BBQ and beer party. This has become somewhat of an annual event and I am glad that it has. I persevered through the day of drinking and eating but alas was far too tired to go watch fireworks. I was in bed before I even heard any go off. Me thinks I'm getting too old to burn the candle at both ends anymore.

Some of my friends on Canada Day 2013. Red & White REPRESENT!!

I hope all my Canadian readers (do I have readers?) enjoyed your weekend, eh! And if you get a chance to go see the tall ships at another port or, if fingers crossed, they return to Hamilton's harbour I would suggest you go. It is truly an incredible sight.

Friday, 31 May 2013

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Summer...Festival Season

Okay Hamstown this is an exciting weekend!! Don't miss things. I know, I know it's forecasting rain but come on, we're Canadian. Get out there and do stuff.

#1. The Battle of Stoney Creek
This is the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Stoney Creek which makes it extra special. Takes place Saturday and Sunday with Battle Re-enactments June 1 at 3:30pm & 8:30pm and Sunday, June 2 at 2pm. History in your backyard. Go.

#2. The Blues & Roots Festival
The first time a festival like this has taken place in Hamilton. Running in Westdale Village on Saturday June 1st, from 10 am to 11 pm. Guys....Terra Lightfoot is performing so you better get out there and see her FOR FREE before she blows up and charges $70 for a ticket.

#3. Concession Streetfest
Saturday June 1st. Lots of vendors and other neat things. Also I heard tale that there is a bubble blowing competition or something like that taking place as well. If you're not into bubbles there is also a petting zoo.

#4. Brews N Bands
How did I not know about this one. I hope I can go. This is the Casbah's 2nd annual Brews N Bands event. Some talent performing includes: The Sadies, The Wooden Sky, The Dinner Belles (ahhh), Dan Griffin & The Regrets and many more. $25 per session gets you 10 3oz samples and/or food vouchers. Tickets available at Casbah, DrDisc (905 523-1010), Naroma Pizza Bar (905 525-6699) & on-line at

Personally I can't decide what I want to do most. Maybe all of it. I do hope that you go check out at least one event in the Hammer this weekend. Get out your wellies and go to town. Have Fun!!!

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Kijiji Killers

I have been avoiding writing this but I would feel remiss if I neglected mentioning one of the biggest murder cases in Canada. I feel I need to write about this since what I write about is Hamilton and sadly this case took place in and around the city. It is such a disgusting, weird, twisted case. Everybody in this city is talking about it and I have to admit I'm somewhat over hearing all the theories. From here on out I only want to hear the real facts. I'm intrigued (and I wish I wasn't) as to the real reasons that Dellen Millard and Mark Smich (allegedly) felt that Tim Bosma deserved to lose his life.

You have probably heard about this case. The suspects contacted Bosma about a truck that he was selling on Kijiji. They made plans to test drive the truck, Bosma accompanied them and was never seen again. His truck was missing and a nation-wide search began. His truck was found a week later at the home of Millard's mother. Although the hope was that Bosma would be found alive, his burnt remains were found a couple days later on one of Millard's rural properties. One of the most interesting things about this case was the role social media and the community played in the search. Sadly that doesn't seem to be the case all the time.

The poster seen across Canada.

 Since Bosma's death another man has gone missing in Hamilton and there has barely been anything heard about that. I had briefly seen one post about it on Facebook but when trying to find information about it for this post I couldn't find anything about it. It makes me sad that the community doesn't rise up about all of the other missing persons out there. Don't get me wrong, I'm very glad for the sake of the Bosma family that everything (although not the outcome that was wanted) was discovered pretty quickly.

I really hope that everything is found out that needs to be found out and that justice is delivered. At this point I think the Bosma family and even the entire city needs for this to wrap up. This particular murder has left a big grey cloud over the city.

Smich has already pleaded not guilty and it appears that Millard will also be entering a not guilty plea. Only time will tell what brought these two to (allegedly) commit such a monstrous act.  Until then that's all from me on this matter.

Dellen Millard, Suspect #1 (His wrist tattoo with the word Ambition lead to his arrest)
Mark Smich, Suspect #2.

The only thing I have left to say is that I wish we didn't live in a world where these stories were so common. It has reminded me that life is fleeting so to hold those you love close and never forget those who have been taken.

Friday, 3 May 2013


The masses came, saw and waited in extremely long lines at Hamilton's Sew Hungry. A food truck rally that has become an annual delight in Hammer Town. The event takes place on Ottawa Street, which is known for it's tailors, seamstresses, and all things to do with sewing...hence Sew Hungry being the name. The Ottawa Street BIA is all to blame for this gastro-riffic day. Thank you.

There are over 40 food trucks as well as local restaurants to choose from. I saw so many interesting choices and I wish I could have tried them all. Unfortunately I only have one stomach and not enough dolla, dolla bills to make that wish a reality. Some of the most interesting ones I saw were  Texas Tornado, The Big Chief Fresh Food Company (Native American food), Mike's Dog House, El Gastronomo Vagabundo and Gringo Gourmet. Hamilton's old faithfuls were out as well including Gorilla Cheese and Southern Smoke Truck.

 My friend Kristen works on the Food Man and Culture Boy truck. She told me that she is obsessed with the duck tacos so I decided to try that while my friend Jolene had a Portobello Burger at another truck. I am glad that she talked me into that little delicacy. The duck taco had duck confit, mango, fennel, green onion, hoisin and siracha. WOW! What a totally interesting mixture of flavours. It tasted like summer. The weather felt like summer too so that worked out well (minus the sunburn I acquired).

Kristen hanging out/workin hard on the Food Man and Culture Boy truck.

Delicious Duck Tacos.

Me likey.
There is a lot more than just food trucks to go check out. There are lots of unique little shops and vendors on Ottawa and what would a food truck rally be without the host of the food network's, Eat Street, James Cunningham. He is hanging out down there and doing a book signing for his new book, Eat St.

If you're reading this and it is still May 3rd, 2013 you are in luck. You have not missed out on this event just yet. It runs from 4-8pm tonight so now you know where you're going for dinner. You're welcome. Enjoy.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

And Shakespeare Said Let It Be Pink?

"Oh my God, oh my God you guys"... Legally Blonde the musical is playing at Hamilton's Theatre Aquarius! I ventured out in the drizzly evening with my mother and my grandmother. I really wanted to stay dry indoors, wrapped up in my blanket with a tea and my book but I powered through and I am glad I did! It was the best production I have seen at Theatre Aquarius to date, and I've seen quite a few. This (and my "THEATRE" friend Amanda who suggested it) have lead me to this post. Community theater VS. Professional theater in good old Hamont!


Here is where "blonde" Elle Woods decides to go to Harvard Law!

I am lucky enough to have many friends in the theatre community and therefore have been to lots and lots...and lots of performances. I also just plain old love theatre. I was in a couple of plays in high school and I swear to God I still have dreams about it. It was such an amazing experience. The lights, the costumes...sigghhh...

Aquarius usually can be depended upon to put on some great plays, but I've seen a couple that weren't AH-mazing, but usually those were non-musicals and seemed how many would think "community theatre" is. Slow, boring, abstract. Luckily I can honestly say I have yet to encounter a community theatre production in Hamilton that has met any of the stereotypes.

To me there is such a small divide in Hamilton theatre. Everything is pretty top notch, even the low budget shows have been so full of life with talent that it rings through. The last "community" show I saw was Hamilton Theatre Inc's Godspell. I had never seen Godspell but was very intrigued (and scared) by it. I'm not religious by most accounts but I know the bible stories and Jesus Christ Superstar is actually my favourite musical. Still, I was nervous that I would be somewhat out of the loop with this one.

I recognized many performers from other community theatre shows and was blown away by the amount of talent in the room. Small stage, tiny set, home made costumes but overall an incredible production. Although it was about Jesus and his disciples it never got too "God-y". It was fun and had lots of great voices. It was nice to see almost everybody in the cast get some kind of solo and they really worked well with the small space they had.

Jesus is my homeboy...

Wonderful cast of "clowns" aka. disciples!

Other than musicals a couple of my favourite community shows have been Black Box Fire's Pride and Prejudice (HUGE Austen fan right here)  which took place at HTI's space and Black Box Fire`s awesome production of Dracula (also a big vampire fan :P). They were both SO good. Dracula played at The Staircase Theatre and had a very small cast but nothing about it looked cheap. The actors were great and it was a wonderful version of Dracula.

I guess to sum up I would just like to say that there is so much talent in this town that you can't really go wrong when choosing which theatre productions to attend. Just remember more expensive doesn't always mean better. There are great shows for every budget. Even some high school productions ( Hill Park's 2002 production of OLIVER...) are captivating.

Here is a list of some amazing theatre companies in the Hammer where you could potentially go see some stellar shows:

Theatre Aquarius
Hamilton Place
Hamilton Theatre Inc.
Black Box Fire
Shooting Star Theatrics
Hammer Entertainment
The Players' Guild of Hamilton
Theatre Ancaster

Also Legally Blonde: The Musical is playing at Theatre Aquarius until April 27th, 2013! Click here to go see it!

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Coffee Time

Just a quick update...

Do you remember in December when my friend Laura and I went to be a part of the Arkells music video? No? Well we did that. The video is finally OUT!

Laura and I both made the cut and are in it which is very exciting. If you want to see me you can watch it below. Even if you don't want to see me you should probably check it out anyways since Arkells are an amazing band!

This video is great! I love how they incorporated their fathers into it and how they always stay true to the Hammer! Wicked stuff! My dream of being in a music video has come true. I can scratch it off my bucket list and move on with life :P

Enjoy! Arkells- Coffee.

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Hamilton's Drag Race

I've never really been aware of the entertainment that Hamilton has to offer the LGBT community. I have many friends who are a part of that community, but being straight I guess I just never had the inclination to look into it.

That all changed on Thursday night. I didn't change. I'm still straight, but I was introduced to some awesome Hamilton LGBT fun! I went to embassy for the very first time!! Embassy is one of the gay clubs in Hamilton. I didn't even know that there was another one but apparently The Werx is a good place as well. I mean it can't be has a leather bar in the basement. Awesome!

My friends David, Ian and I at our first drag show! Exciting! (Ugh not a good hair night :P)

I think the idea that you can go somewhere and not worry that people are judging you or criticizing you is very liberating. Even though I'm straight I felt completely comfortable there and wasn't afraid to be myself (not that I'm usually afraid to be myself...not at all. BUT there have been instances at certain "clubs" where I felt too fat, not fashionable enough or too old to fit in). Of course in a perfect world everybody would feel comfortable everywhere and not be judged. Sadly that is not the world we live in so it is nice to have somewhere people can be themselves and not worry about being hassled.

To my absolute delight Thursday night was drag night at Embassy.  It was very entertaining. The ladies would get up on stage in their beautiful outfits and do a dance or lipsync (for your life). Some real talent was seen. Some of the drag queens made me feel super unfeminine because they were just so lovely. Not only that but there were also drag kings in the mix and that was nice to see them being included as well. There was one imparticular (I'm sorry I can't remember his name) who was an insaaaane dancer. He was all over the place. Chris Brown eat your heart out.

Smooth Moves

After the show (which was raising money for charity) there was dancing and it was it was a fun night all around. Seriously it really made me realize how few "comfortable" places or acknowledgment the LGBT community really has in Hamilton. I mean two bars in the entire city. What if you aren't into the club scene?

There are some things that go on during "Pride Season", including a Pride Festival and even a Pride Service at the First Unitarian Church of Hamilton. But is that enough? Why aren't there events all year? I guess it's a good start, I just didn't realize how little was going on in this area.

I would definitely go back to Embassy, and I'd like to go to The Werx as well. The atmosphere at Embassy was just fun and happy. Check out the Hamilton Pride website for more information on pride events in Hamilton.

Friday, 15 March 2013

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

This post has nothing to do with Hamilton OR travel. I just have to share because I think people may get a good laugh out of it. That laugh will be at my expense but I think I'm secure enough to join in the giggles as well.

Alrighty then, here goes the story. This is possibly one of the most embarrassing things to ever happen to me and that is crazy because I usually embarrass myself at least once a day. Let's add some pretext to this story shall we? I'm sure you've all seen that curling hair tutorial where the poor girl (Tori Locklear) burns off a piece of her hair? Well if you haven't I will share it with you right here.

Okay so this video went viral a couple of weeks ago and I will admit that when I watched it I laughed my butt off. I also said things like, "how would you ever manage that?" and, "what an idiot!".

The laughing stopped last Tuesday. Abruptly.

My friend Danielle gave me this handy dandy waving iron. I had never used one before or even seen one for that matter.  To be honest I'm not the most girly girl out there. I can't do hair or nails without messing up. I rarely even blow dry my hair. Anyways I had this iron for a couple of weeks and I hadn't had a chance to use it yet. Then last Tuesday my work sent me home early. I had a whole afternoon off. Time to try this thing out, I thought. This is where karma sat, waiting for me.

When I turned on the iron it smelt kind of funky. I just assumed that my friend had used product or something and it was smelling because of that. I now know that maybe it was malfunctioning or something more of that nature. I proceeded to wave my hair. I did half of my head and although the smell continued I thought it was looking pretty awesome. Then it happened. The very last piece that I curled burnt off. I freaked, but it was hideable so I calmed down pretty quick. Brushed my hair, threw it in a braid and went out for dinner with my friends. If only I had known the horror had just begun.

Later that night I came home and decided to have a shower. As soon as I got in I knew something was wrong. My hair was falling out. I was pulling out enormous chunks of it. I started to cry. This continued for about 20 minutes. My hair just kept coming out. By the end there was a huge pile of hair and I knew I had to be bald. I kept picturing that scene in the movie, The Craft, where Ben Stiller's wife is crying in the shower and her hair is falling out. That was me. That was my awake nightmare.

This is how I imagined I looked while I was in the shower.

"Now Derek Zoolander will never marry me!"

When I got out and brushed it, a lot more hair came out, but I forced myself to look in the mirror and somehow, by some miracle I was not bald. I had lost a ton of hair though and a lot of it was in the front and not easily hide-able. I decided I was not going to go to work the next day and would go for an emergency haircut but in reality it was pay week and I didn't have a lot put aside for an emergency cut. So, I hid my hair shame the best I could and continued on with my week as usual until I could go get it fixed on Friday. It was a horrible week. I couldn't stop worrying about it but also my hair smelt SO bad.

I assumed they would cut all of my hair off. I've had it short before so I wasn't worried that it would look terrible but I was really upset because I've been growing my hair out for over 2 years and I didn't want to start all over again.

I loved my hair short, don't get me wrong but I didn't want to do it again this way.

I enlisted my sister to come with me for moral support while I got my hair cut. Somebody had recommended Total Image in Jackson Square and I had been there for a trim before so I went there and met Felma, my hairdresser/hairfix guru/miracle worker.

She was sympathetic and only laughed a couple of times but she also said the most beautiful words I'd heard all week. "I can save a lot of it."

By doing all kinds of crazy layers and bangs she managed to keep quite a bit of my length. I wasn't sure how I felt about bangs but it's been a week now and I am starting to really like them and have got tons of lovely compliments. A lot of people just think I wanted a style change. They don't know the terrible truth.

I wanted to share this story so that others out there might avoid this fate. If you don't know how to handle hair devices, don't. If something seems off about them, don't use them. If you're unsure of how hot things should be, don't use it!! It's not worth it. I lucked out but even though it's fixed it was still damaged and I am going to have to work really hard to get it back to a really healthy state.

Right after leaving my hair angel, Felma. I was more relieved then I let on.

One week later I'm really into the bangs and learning how to wear it funky ways.

The moral of the story is this, beware when you laugh at others misfortunes. Karma may just come and hit you upside the head. Tori Locklear...I apologize for laughing uncontrollably at you for burning off one piece of your hair. After burning more than half of mine off I can appreciate the turmoil you must have felt...but still...both situations are kind of funny. At least you got YouTube famous thanks to it. If only I had been fiming myself in the shower. Wait...what? No.

Thank goodness I've always been pretty good at laughing at myself otherwise this really could have been a much more traumatic experience.

Sunday, 24 February 2013

You Made The List

Dear Anchor Bar,

You made my list. How disappointing for you.

I heard nothing but hype and excitement about this new restaurant in Hamilton. Originally a staple in Buffalo, New York the franchise has now expanded into Canada, knocking local independently owned restaurants like Walt's Grill and Bar by the wayside.

My sister and I were frequent diners at Walt's and were very upset when we heard we would have to find a new place to go on our sister dates. The location was just so convenient. We could easily go for a lovely dinner and then head to the movies in Jackson Square.

When Anchor Bar opened we decided to go try it out in the hopes that we would have a new favourite restaurant in the same location as our old one. Unfortunately all of those dreams were dashed after our very first visit.

At first glance we were very impressed. The decor is fun and there was a big crowd of people in there at 3 pm. We were seated and given menus. They have a really big menu with lots of different choices. Unfortunately Anchor Bar is known for their wings but upon inspection they don't really have anything special about their wings. They were really expensive and only came in normal flavours, except for the suicide and drop anchor flavours which are so hot you have to sign something to order them. We decided we could get cheaper wings another time from somewhere else.

The second thing I noticed was their pops are $2.25 and they don't do refills for anyone over 16. Seriously? That's just ridiculous. Walt's had refills AND free nachos while you waited for your food. We both ordered water. We had decided on  the 6 cheese anchor dip for an appetizer and we both ordered the chicken wing crunch melt for our entrees.

Our waitress and the man who brought our food to the table gushed about how delicious our choices were and how they're the best thing on the menu. It was around that time that we noticed they had brought out our entrees but not our appetizer. Five minutes later our appetizer came out. The waitress seemed confused at our unhappiness. We had to explain to her that an appetizer should come before all the other food and that by the time we would get to it now it would be cold. The lightbulb seemed to go on then and she said that she would take it off our bill and away from the table apparently removing a plate from the table take ten minutes.

By that point neither of us were super impressed with the place but we tried to have an open mind. I turned to my entree which did look interesting. The less interesting thing was that there was hair on my sandwich. UGH. I decided that since it took her 10 minutes to clear our unwanted appetizer it would likely take an hour to get a new sandwich so I decided to eat the side that didn't have hair on it. Luckily for me after 5 bites I decided that it was too disgusting to finish.

My sister (who is 8 months pregnant and eats EVERYTHING) ate less than half of hers. It was not at all what was in the menu. It said it was  boneless wings basted in their FAMOUS mild wing sauce, topped with buffalo mozzarella on a roasted garlic hoagie bun topped with hickory smoked chips.

What we got was rotisserie chicken with lettuce and tomato topped with hickory sticks covered in Frank's red hot sauce all piled onto a foot long hotdog bun. Since when is Frank's mild by any stretch of the imagination? Is it their FAMOUS sauce? Also it made the chips soggy and the chicken tasted disgusting. Their only saving grace was their french fries which were actually decent.

I put that sh*t on does Anchor Bar apparently.

Our fabulous (note sarcasm) meal was all rounded off by a waitress who didn't bring us a bill but handed me a debit"Can I see my bill? Also I'm paying cash..."

When we left the waitress apologized for her bad service and for the possibly poor food quality too. REALLY? What else do you offer? If your service and food is not good what am I paying for? The decor?

To say the least I would not recommend Anchor Bar to anybody. I doubt I will ever return there. If for some reason you are still interested in trying them out you can check out their website here.

Friday, 22 February 2013

Driver's Beware!

I have a confession to make. This won't be surprising if you know me but if you don't...ohhh boy. Okay here it goes!

I can't drive! ...shock, gasp! I know, I know. I'm waaaay too old to not drive but by golly I just never got it. I had my G1 around 5 years ago and had a few "mom" lessons, but I was a disaster. Just terrible. I ran stop signs multiple times and was so nervous that I would end up crying while driving.

I've decided to give it another go.  I have had a few "dad" lessons which have gone great and my aunt even took me out one time, but I start driver's ed tomorrow. I'm taking it at Universal Driving School. I'm terrified that I'm going to be the oldest person in my class. Oh well.

I'm still nervous.. My sister and brother-in-law were in a pretty bad wreck this past summer out near Trinity Church Road, that makes me more anxious than I ever was before. I've realized that I need to do this. I am letting career doors close just because I don't have my license.  That's just pure craziness.

My bro-in-law and sis's car. Thank goodness they were both okay!

Anyways this had a point. My point is that Hamilton roads...SUCK!

Brucedale Rd in Hamilton. AKA. Deathtrap Road!
My street maybe isn't as bad as Brucedale but holy heck it's bad. It never gets plowed and people park on both sides of the street. I was driving with my dad yesterday and it was super. We were all over the place and I felt pretty good and then BAM we came down my street and almost hit another car. Confidence shattered.

That being said I'm glad that I'm learning in the winter because I need to know how to drive defensively. Especially in this city! Ugh.

Apparently Ontario has some problems with roads. So much so that there is an annual vote on Ontario's worst roads. Read all about it here.

So wish me luck as I embark on this terrifying road to a driver's license. I can't wait to have it. People should be worried. Look both ways before you cross the streets!!

Friday, 25 January 2013

I Know Where It's At

A few years ago my friend told me that when I have a bad day or week or month or whatever to write everything that I'm thankful for down on a piece of paper and then read it out loud and I will feel better. I can attest that this actually works. I'd like to bring this idea into the year 2013.

It's true that things have been going pretty well for me lately but I can't help but still feel like my life isn't where it should be by society standards (and my own as well). I'm going to post pictures of the things that I am most thankful for and the experiences I've been able to have thanks to being single, living at home and not having a "career". I'm ready for those things now but looking back I have to say I'm kind of glad they have been a little delayed because I would not have been able to live this exciting life if I had been tied down.

This is not in any order of importance or excitement. I love that I have so many wonderful people in my life and that I have had so many wonderful experiences. I couldn't be any more thankful!

1. Candace convincing me to go snorkeling in Punta Cana with sharks and stingrays. One of the most terrifying and exciting moments of my life.

2. Backpacking through Ireland, Scotland and England with one of my best friends! A true testament to mine and Laura's friendship! 

3.  Getting to live my Harry Potter obsession in England. (attached to number 2)

4. Seeing Stonehenge. (attached to number 2)

 5. Watching my friends and my beautiful sister become blushing brides.

Jenn and Scott
Sarah and Rob
Lindsay and Augustin

 6. Hiking a mountain in Alberta. It was so beautiful and intense. It's hard to find words. I would never have made it up without Laura and Mallory pushing me, and I'm sooo glad I did because it was breathtaking!


 7. Going to Europe for the first time to visit my best friend, Jolene! What an amazing trip that was. If I had not done that I don't think I would have become the travel junky that I am today. So thanks for going to school in England and letting me come stay with you :)

8. Getaways with my mom and my sister. Toronto, New York. I love these ladies more than anything and I'm so glad that I will have these memories forever.

9. Watching my best friends become the most beautiful moms.

Me with Jolene's son, Jude. He was so tiny.
Jolene and her daughter Penny.
Leanne with her beauties Olivia and Jemma.

10. Visiting Ian in Belgium and going to Amsterdam! Travel was great but rekindling an old friendship was excellent.

Bruges <3
Amsterdam :D

11. Being asked to be in one of my best friends weddings! Of course I said yes! It's this year!!

Andrew and Candace!

12. Having the freedom and time to travel to other cities to see my favourite bands.

Me sitting beside Hanson when they were on MTV Canada! I was totally freaking out!

Detroit with Sarah, Amanda and Laura to see Hanson! (Yes...I realllly like Hanson :P)
Hanson's "Take The Walk" one mile barefoot walk in support of the fight against poverty and aids in Africa. That's me walking barefoot behind Zac Hanson in State College, Pennsylvania.
The Trews
They play a lot of shows near Hamilton so I see them a lot. Here I had caught that cowbell during the show.
 Go check out the Take The Walk website to see what small steps you can take to help!

13. My dream of going to France came true! Trip of a lifetime! Kind of funny that it is number 13 since I was unlucky enough to be REALLY sick the entire trip. C'est la vie.

14. Amazing trips and the loudest laughs with the best friends a girl could EVER ask for!

I look forward to our weekend at Dario's every year! Such fun!

15. Family! Mine's amazing! I hope yours is too!!

Cottaging it up with Dad!
Family Christmas Party Tradition!
Sibling love at Lindsay's wedding reception!
Sister, Sister! My sister is the best woman I know. I love her more than anything! I don't want you to get the wrong impression...I loooove my brothers to infinity but I guess sisters just have a special bond!
Family portrait with Dad!
Time spent with those you love is never time wasted!

16. Zip lining through a jungle in the Dominican Republic! Absolutely incredible!

17. Watching my gorgeous niece Maddison growing up! She's 3 now and quite the little lady. She's probably my favourite person in the world.

 18. Continuing my education. Yes it has been a subject of turmoil and disappointment but I definitely don't regret it as it has helped make me who I am! Learning is never a bad thing. I'm proud of myself.

Graduating from Journalism.
Graduating from Post Graduate Public Relations in June 2012.
 19. Watching my baby sister grow a baby inside of her! I can't wait to meet the little munchkin! 

My glowing baby sister at 30 weeks.
 20. The determination to continue living my life in this way with these people no matter what in my life may happen now. Love, success, money, career, moving on out...whatever it is I can't wait to have new adventures and experiences come my way.

Wow this really did help. I am super spoiled in my life. The friends, the family...just totally spoiled.